Monday, June 19, 2006

Daddy Pics and Gross Stuff...

Gwen, Gavin and new baby Kingston James McGregor Rossdale (born May 26, 2006) spending their first fathers day together. Mommy and King watched Daddy Gavin playing tennis in Griffith Park.They are SOOOOOOO cute!! I'm so happy for Gwen! Her dream come true!

More shots of Daddy's and their babys on their first Father's Days....

Okay, except for K-fed, this is like his 10th Father's Day I think...

And here's some old Daddy's starting over...

Now, on to other news...

Jenny and Jim have been reportedly dating for months now. These two make a cute couple. They seem to already be morphing into each other; whispy hair and dam if their mouthpieces aren't exactly the same! A duo made in comedic heaven! I bet they stay crackin up at each other. Jenny was divorced after a five year marriage last year. Carrey is twice divorced.

Now, to go from touching, to disgusting...

Awwwww, could they be more DISGUSTING kissers?? But, I mean, I expected it would look something like this. I am NOT interested in any sex tapes slipping out of these two. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!

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