Thursday, August 03, 2006

Project Runway

I love this show! I haven't caught this episode yet. I'll comment when I'm through....hee hee

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Give Mel a Freakin' Rest Man....

The King of Melibu...

The media loves to WEAR ISH OUT! I am SO tired of hearing about Mel Gibson already! Thank God he didn't kill anyone driving 87 mph drunk, and drunk driving is NEVER acceptable no matter who the eff you are, but they don't even seem to care about that! Its what he slurred when he was drunk. Who the eff cares? How many times have we mumbled sht we didn't even mean in a drunken stuper? He's already apologized TWICE motha effas. Come the eff on man. If we were held accountable for all our dumb ish like celebritys are, it would be a wrap. Come the eff on people! There are WARS going on right now. People are DYING. We are hitting record highs with our heat and over 100 people in California have died due to the heat in the last month! Some people just found out they have cancer, AIDS, HIV or some ohter terminal illness. Someones Mom, Dad, Wife, Husband, Brother, Sister, Child, Grandparent, Cousin, Aunt, Uncle, Best Friend just died. There are bigger things goin on in the world people, get the eff off it.

On another note, did yall catch the pics of Mel at the bar that night? ; ) In case you didn't, just to satisfy your curiosity, here they are. Awww, he's a nice drunk too, these people ought to be ashamed selling him out like that...he shoulda had a car there to drive him home though, that man is PAID. Makes no dam since.